Welcome to my
Sacred Geometry Blog
My name is Abby. I have a BA in physics, and have worked on government funded projects in the field of nanotechnology & plasmonics.
I also have been a math and physics teacher. I taught middle and high school math, and created courses about nanotechnology and the history of math. Alongside that I got into 1-on-1 tutoring and mainly focused on high school math and college physics. This deepened my understanding of the psychological blocks people encounter in learning math that matters to them.
I learned patent law working as a technical writing assistant at an intellectual property firm. (Read about me pouring through patents all day.) This experience opened my eyes to what technology is really capable of today. So I want to show you what is possible in a way that is easy to understand. That is why I am creating a back-bone of content addressing fundamental concepts
What the numbers 1-10 psychologically represent
Examples of how energy moves in crystals
Explaining a patent application that seems like pure magic
The mission is to knit worlds. For those intrigued by life’s mysteries, who are also deeply rooted in the world we currently inhabit, seeking truth can feel like denying that you already know it.

Through the initial research and disclosure conducted through this entity (Abnormal Ways), I will construct a method for creating one’s own healing frequencies ACCURATELY, MEASURABLY, and with NO ARTIFACTS for infusion into fluids (liquid, gas) and the body. The frequencies will be so specific that they can be represented as cross-sections from one’s own imagination seat. Through cymatic-like imaging, everything will be made known.
For the few amongst us inclined to think studying something like spirituality under something as rigid as science- and more often here “math” destroys the beauty of it, I understand that you have been taught an ugly math.The excuses, why people shy away from evidence outside the self-body is because they don’t want to go through the effort of taking truth in their timeline and disseminating it to be properly evaluated in the AVERAGE/COLLECTIVE timeline to the COLLECTIVE benefit. Powers without source knowledge have materialization and reactions but can never be integrated. I wish to END this cycle.
Currently Scheduled Ways:
Patent Manifesto Blog Series – dissecting the information presented in the disclosure, covering fullerene structure & cymatic distinctions.
Numerical Archetypes Blog Series – the character of pure number that is lost in today’s school system.
Photojournalism 2010-2018 sets from when I was off social media
On Menstruation book
Breatharian Science Youtube Series – breaking the calorimetry of the human body / fallout of influencers / Post Breatharian Culture
Patent Watch Podcast – explaining recently patented inventions and musing on their impact
Energy Matrices of Crystalline forms Visualizations Youtube Series – rendered in Mathematica
We may see a zine arise.
I am glad to accept help and donations if ever offered.
Contact me to do a guest post/graphic /e t c