in the body

Crystals are in many different organs in the body. The structure of crystals makes them able to “compute” and “transduce” helping the body do functions.

Piezoelectricity in the Pineal Gland: Bio-Crystal Studies Explained

What would it mean if there was piezoelectricity in the pineal gland? It would mean ambient electromagnetic fields could affect our circadian rhythms. When pressure is applied to piezoelectric crystals, they conduct electricity. The piezoelectric effect is reversible too, so in presence of electric current the crystal will deform on small scales. The pineal gland […]

Piezoelectricity in the Pineal Gland: Bio-Crystal Studies Explained Read More »

Magnetic Crystals? In YOUR brain? It’s more likely than you think.


There are magnetite and calcite crystals in the brain. Magnetite crystals in the brain are a mixture of endogenous & external magnetite. Calcite in the cochlea and pineal gland are functional via the piezoelectric effect.

Magnetic Crystals? In YOUR brain? It’s more likely than you think. Read More »