
Symmetry is a math concept that easily translates to physics and art. There are many flavors of symmetry besides your typical. Symmetry compresses information by encoding complex patterns.

What is a Tetrahedron shape? Everything You Need to Know

what is a tetrahedron shape

Tetrahedron is a word that sounds very fancy and maybe you know the basic shape is a triangular pyramid. But what is a tetrahedron shape and is it just as fancy as the word? I found all the most interesting features of tetrahedra (which is the plural of tetrahedron), without too much cumbersome jargon so […]

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6 Hypnotic Works of Hexagonal Symmetry in Art

hexagonal symmetry in art 6 hypnotic works

Hexagonal symmetry in art shows through in six-fold symmetry. Six-fold or hexagonally symmetry consists of a radially dispersed pattern repeated six times, around a center point. Images of mandalas and clock-style art come to mind when we think of radial symmetry, which is but one kind of many types of symmetry beyond the bilateral mirror

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Hexagonal Symmetry Examples For Easy Structure in Your Life

Hexagonal symmetry examples are all over the natural world, but are also quite frequent in the fabricated world of technology as well. Here I present the main archetypes of hexagonal symmetry, and 6 concrete example templates, plus some bonus. Themes Hexagonal Symmetry Examples are Based On Hexagonal symmetry is when you can divide the image

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8 Tantalizing Examples of Rotational Symmetry in Art

Since the beginning of history it seems people have used rotational symmetry in art. Rotational symmetry can invoke a strong respond of awe in the viewer. Also, rotational symmetry tends to have a calming effect on the mind. This is because one tends to rest their gaze in the center, which is very relaxed. To

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Different Types of Lines of Symmetry to be Aware of

Since learning about rotational symmetry, you may wonder if there’s even more different types of lines of symmetry. Besides the elementary school butterfly symmetry (which is is a reflectional symmetry), there is a more general way to describe “symmetry” – anything conserved under change. Abstractly defined, symmetry is the property of something to stay constant

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