The Patent Manifesto Series is all about exploring the rabbit holes within a 2007 patent application for a golf club that improve’s one’s skill using biofeedback circuits. Winey lists the many inventions that have used the principles of biofeedback to entrain skills by enhancing brainwave coherence. Of those, he mentions the Hemi-Sync and Heart Tuner, and even agricultural examples (i.e., send a current through the water for a bigger fish yield). The Neurophone, invented in 1958 by Patrick Flanagan (then 14) stands out as having many of the present features relevant for understanding the golf club at hand, so let’s take a closer look. The neurophone uses the principle of electrophonic hearing. The implications of electrophonic hearing are:
- Subliminal and conscious learning acceleration
- Telepathic awareness/ mind-mind linkages
- Control of cellular respiration particularly AGE-ing
- Deaf/blind processing information.

Biofeedback Spotlight: Neurophone intelligence enhancer
Flanagan’s neurophone is simple to explain, but still manages to sound like sci-fi, bursting with seemingly impossible claims. A circuit for delivering auditory information, that is received by the brain itself and not the ears or hearing organs – through electrophonic hearing. It plays, for example, pink noise, with various geometric metalworkings, most commonly pyramids, as resonators. How can the human body can take in information outside the five senses?
The famous quote from Tesla states, “If you want to understand the universe, you must think of things in terms of energy and frequency” (or something along those lines). The neurophone exploits electrophonic hearing and the holonomic nature of the human brain yielding super-human learning capabilities, purportedly.
Electrophonic hearing

The story of the neurophone made headlines in the 60’s because Flanagan was only a teen when he invented it and successfully launched the business. It’s quite easy to find the patents themselves, the first of which was granted in 1968. Because of press, we find a detailed history of the development of the invention.

The neurophone technology, combined with golden ratio time ratios, create the biofeedback conditions necessary for something like an “automatic” skill improvement. However, the original neurophone did not exploit the golden ratio at all. Let’s understand the neurophone, and compare examples of faulty biofeedback devices that have no evidence despite widespread promotions.
Holonomic mind theory

The manner of use is familiar. You listen to recordings and, similar to binaural beats, enhance your brainwaves and make you better at things subliminally. This device uses electro-phonic hearing (inside the brain) and the holonomic properties of the mind (non-linear combinations of neurons creating novel effects). There are clear implications in developing telepathy…
Is it Effective?
In an effort to learn more about the efficacy of his original binaural beats device, the neurophone, I found some reviews on YouTube. The original concept was to help deaf people hear. If you’ve ever put earbuds in your mouth or on your cheekbones (please don’t try this with wireless headphones) you actually hear the sound with something other than your ears. It’s your cranial bones that transmit the sound. The bones connected directly to the auditory processing part of your brain detect the sounds – electrophonic hearing?
Decades after his invention Flanagan found this out from research institutions pinpointing the organ that detects the neurophone. Flanagan was successfully able to get deaf people to “hear” using the invention, and, though not easily, was able to convince the patent examiner to grant his patent. It took a number of years, during which time he of course couldn’t market or talk about the invention.
The potential for this invention was basically akin to what the Neura-link is now, direct brain communication. ( Actually, big corporations took up research projects but incessantly dealt with patent office issues. This just makes the devices harder to protect from an industry standpoint. Not many big corps want to develop something that isn’t protected from copycats, so they dropped it.
Advancement, yet Barriers in Electrophonic Hearing
TUS Navy Research labs picked up the project developing ways to communicate with dolphins, including ultrasonic hearing in water. They succeeded in the development of large mechanical ears that can hear dolphin sounds (up to 250,000 Hz, compared with human ears that go up to only 18,000 Hz) and decipher them. These projects led to development of 3D holographic sound systems. Holographic sound can make a listener perceive sounds as emanating from certain locations in space. It’s a bit different from surround sound because it’s not just about speaker location. The speaker could be at the corner of a room and through audio engineering, the sound seems to emanate from the center. There are tons of patents all about this as well.
The technology could help people find exact locations of whales and dolphins using the same “algorithm” the human brain does to source sound locations. It’s like being able to pick up a certain conversation in a room full of people talking. It’s not only about the phrases but also localizing the sound. The outer ear is what really enables people to do this. Not just the funnel aspect, but also the shape and design. It’s not just the mechanical design these projects were able to shed light on, but also the mental processing that translated these signals. Now with the government involved, the invention got locked up in National Security orders. That ultimately was Flanagan’s second neurophone patent.
Neurophone goes to Market
– Flanagan
“Six months after the patent was applied for, the National Security Agency placed the patent application under a top secrecy order #756,124. The order said that my invention was being suppressed in the interest of National Security. It further stated that I could be tried for treason and shot by firing squad if I revealed its working nature to anyone other than an authorized government representative. In other words they stole it! Needless to say I was very disappointed in the system. It took four year, and three law firms to sue for release of my invention. We won the battle, and the secrecy order was rescinded. Patent #3,647,970 was issued on the 7th of March 1972”
The article mentions specific models of the neurophone, the Mark XI and the Thinkman model 50 for speed learning. It’s kind of like audio subliminals, but they actually work, and aren’t really sounds at all. The goal was to help people lean information quickly and efficiently. The exact design parameters are in the descriptions, giving a lot of credibility to these old inventions that barely anyone has heard of. He describes how the frequencies generated actually mix in the dielectric of human skins and result in scalar waves, which the human brain is highly sensitive to. Dielectrics are a non-linear media that linear waves pass through. Nerve-deaf people use the device at a first try to hear, or they could “learn” to hear from it with practice via electrophonic hearing. The invention extended to optical processing as well.
The product has mixed reviews. Dr. Flanagan still markets products, including supplements that enhance your oxygen uptake.
Holographic brain and Syntheaesthia
We know that different parts of the brain can process audio and visual signals. The usual method of hearing is through the 8th cranial nerve, but even those with non-functioning 8th cranial nerves hear using holographic principles. The brain intakes the raw information projecting into other processing parts of the brain and laid out there. The skin is the most important organ in this, and all sensory nerves evolve from skin folds in the embryo. The trigeminal nerve receives stimulation from the skin in the face. The sound emanates from inside the head to the observer. (unless you have hella fillers which block conduction.) Perception via the neurophone conducts through the skin and not through the bones. The skin is able to detect nuanced changes in:
- vibration,
- light,
- pressure,
- temperature and
- friction.
The neurophone suppresses the frequency domain and amplifying the time domain. Human speech has a natural time delay. The vibrations of the speech organs from the larnyx to the nasal and oral passages have time ratio delay information. Many people must train to become aware of it.
“The neurophone Mk XI processing circuit processes the incoming complex non linear signal waveform, and amplifies the non linearities thus increasing the timing recognition pattern of the signal.”
How it Works – the truth of electrophonic hearing
The neurophone is the basic concept of biofeedback via binaural beats. The device bypasses the ears and hearing equipment entirely, to play the sound in the user’s head. It both “plays” and “records”, and can read your brain waves (the dominant frequency, similar to charts you see of brain scans during meditation). Afterwards, it changes the output based on what your brain is doing. It doesn’t “force” a coupling of the binaural beats to your brainwaves by simply playing the desired brain state in audio form. The device uses your current brain state to determine the best way to couple the desired brain state. As a result, the brain locks onto the projected beat frequency and then tends to recreate that itself. Electrophonic hearing receives the output – not the ears.

The important difference between this and something like the neurolink is that it’s totally non-invasive. The electromagnetic fields picked up by your nervous system don’t actually need to have your BRAIN completing the circuit. The dielectric of anywhere on your skin will do the job just fine.

In the future, I might update this and try it out myself. At present, I’m summarizing the patent for how it works. The nature of biofeedback devices and electrophonic hearing is that some users have a really hard time “feeling” the effects. This is why these products are difficult to evaluate. We can just assume that all the reviews are some form of the placebo effect, to be quite honest, and take a look exclusively at the patent to try to tell if the mechanism “should” produce noticeable effects or not.
Analog Magazine (July 1979)
~Bio Cybernetics II by G. Harry Stine
“It used those ancient devices known as vacuum tubes. It used a 6L6G tube running as a 35 Kilohertz oscillator; the output of the oscillator was amplitude-modulated by the output of ant single channel hi-fi system through suitable impedance matching transformers, etc. This amplitude modulated 35 kilohertz signal then went through a cheapie stepup transformer so that the output was very high voltage (about 4 kilovolts, as I remember) but at very high impedance. Flanagan fed this signal through a length of ordinary TV antenna twin lead to a pair of rubber pads about six inches in diameter that he had filched from a “relaxicisor” muscle relaxing device. Each pad consisted of a 1/16 inch thick rubber sheet, a piece of copper window screen to which was soldered one of the wires of the twin lead, and the rubber covering of the relaxicisor pad.”
“The rights to Patent No. 3,393,279 are owned by Intelectron, Inc. of New York City. The FDA will not permit it to be marketed because it uses a low frequency r-f carrier, and they are very sensitive these days about the biological effects of r-f raditation.”
Links to the patents
Flanagan’s Archived Documents
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